Sunday, July 22, 2012


Last night I had a housewarming/birthday party to break in the new living establishment! I invited several of the wonderful people I have met here so far and we had a bring-and-braai. This basically means that I’ll provide the fire and everyone will bring their own food to cook and drinks. I made brownies (for some reason they flopped this time, I think too much cocoa powder – really need to get those measuring cups!!), oatmeal chocolate chip raisin cookies, crackers and cheese, and a pasta salad and several other people also brought food to share. It turned out great! The best part was that I figured out that I can make a fire right in my own front yard – about fifteen feet from the house. And you know what that means…. S’mores anytime I want!! I made this American delicacy for a few last night but on the whole everyone seemed too stuffed from the food to try one. Unfortunately graham crackers don’t really exist here but there is a very plain cookie called a Digestive (sounds appetizing, huh?) that is pretty similar and definitely a good substitute. I got a couple lovely housewarming/birthday gifts – people obviously know me well already because I got cupcakes, cookies, and chocolates!! In addition to some awesome lotion, a shoulder bag with a giraffe on it, a basket thing, a couple plates, and some spices to start me off.  It was a wonderful party and I truly enjoyed the company, food, and playing Catch Phrase with all of the friends I have met here so far!


  1. Yeah for a birthday party! Glad you have met nice people and were able to celebrate your awesome life! You are amazing! Happy Birthday to you! Miss you. Love and Hugs. Mom

  2. Sounds like you have made some awesome friends that know you so well so soon :P <3 Miss you! Love coming at you from the 757!!!!! heheh Happy Birthday

  3. Gah Kelsey beat me here.... Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Yes, I am just now reading this one :/ tisk-tisk, I know :-P Love the phrase "bring-and-braai"!!! Too fun. And I hear ya on the s'mores being such an american thing!! Digestives could be a good graham cracker substitute - although a bit crumbly maybe?! Glad grandma and granddad sent you a s'mores care package!! Pretty sure I got one of those in AUS too! Such a hit!!
