Monday, July 16, 2012


    One of my new goals while I am here is to cook something new each week. I’ve always been a ‘simple’ cook and actually followed in the footsteps of my mom in being more inclined towards baking. But, with a bit more time on my hands and luckily a pretty well-stocked grocery store, I’m hoping to experiment with my culinary side a bit more and start a collection of some good recipes. On that note, if you have any suggestions, shoot me an e-mail with your favorite meals!
    First up: apple turnovers! Okay, I know this may be considered a dessert, but I made them for the special occasion of breakfast in the park on yet another Monday holiday off from work. This time I went in with Rob, Elise, and Maria bright and early this morning around 6am before the sun was even up. Unfortunately we didn’t see many animals, but the apple things were great!

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