Monday, October 1, 2012


On Saturday morning I crashed a Birdlife Botswana trip onto the river. Birdlife Botswana is an organization that has groups throughout the country that conduct events and bird counts to keep track of various bird populations. We have a small group here in Kasane and I’ve participated in several of the events since I’ve been here. On Saturday we met at the jetty at 6am to head out on one of Cornelia’s boats to see what we could see on the river. I will start by saying that I was not wearing the proper clothing and that it was FREEZING! Brrr. But we got to see some awesome birds! Here is a little sample of some birds we got to see that I got photos of:

Black Crake: very elusive bird, not very commonly seen!

Cattle Egret taking a ride on a hippo!

Purple Heron - such neat coloring!

Malachite Kingfisher

Pied Kingfisher

Brown-Hooded Kingfisher

Squacco Heron

White-Backed Night Heron, also apparently very rare


  1. Some awesome photos there Ellen, I rather like the one of the Brown Hooded Kingfisher. Also its odd to think of October as the Hot season, the temperature here has been dropping and the trees are starting to change their color. Looks you like you are having fun out there. Cheers, Louis

  2. WOW ELLEN!! Amazing photo's!! It was good you purchased that camera before going to Africa. I can't believe how close some of these are~! Laura told me to tell you that the Hippo is her fav of course. They are all pretty awesome. love mom

  3. Maybe you could get a job at Natl Geographic!! How cool would that be.
