Saturday, October 13, 2012

Charity Case

     Last week I had an interesting conversation and further realization of the ‘charity case’ mindset adopted by Americans (and others I’m sure) when it comes to Africa. When I say Africa, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind? That photo of little children smudged with dirt and tummies swollen from hunger, holding out their hands asking for food or money. Or the older woman with a tired frown on her face as she sits in the dirt, weaving a basket with worn fingers. Probably not too far off?
     And this, my friends, is the broken image of Africa. While these pictures are such reality in so many parts of Africa, I must inform you: this is not how all of Africa is! Especially Botswana, which has done incredibly well for itself through the diamond industry (I think, I don’t know a whole lot about their economy, but I do know that the government is very wealthy). Something I’ve realized from living here is that this is just the way they live. The same way we would live in a neighborhood with a car parked in the driveway, a playground in the nicely fenced back yard with a green lawn. The bus comes to pick the kids up in the morning and parents drive to work to make money to support the family. For Motswana, maybe their neighbors live a little closer, their home is just one room, their ‘oven’ is the fire they make in their dirt yard, the kids play with wheel rims and sticks and any other scraps they can create a toy out of. The kids walk down the street to school and the parents catch a taxi or walk to work so they can make money and at month end, budget out money to buy food for the next month. But it’s all they’ve ever known. It’s their lifestyle.
     Now I guess I shouldn’t be speaking for all Africans or Motswana, but I would venture to say that most are pretty happy with this way of living. I think it is hard for Americans to understand, because we see pictures of such poor conditions and think the people are miserable. But it is something you come to understand and get used to when you live in that place. It’s just different. When Americans try to project their needs and wants into a different lifestyle, it just doesn’t work as well.
    This whole thought process was sparked by a group that is leading an effort in a nearby village to build a school so the children don’t have to walk as far to school. Sounds great, right? Well I watched the promotional video that is online and was amazed at how ‘disadvantaged’ they made this village sound! They managed to turn it in to a charity case when really it is a typical village of Botswana with the lifestyle I described above. Plus, there is already a fully functioning government school there. A friend said she had showed the video to a Motswana friend, and he was offended because of the way they portrayed this seemingly normal village. Americans can be so ignorant sometimes.
     Now, I don’t mean to discourage people from donating to a good cause, because there are still many many places and people in Africa that are suffering. But I do warn you to do your research before giving money to any organization or charity that appears to be helping needy people in Africa. Throwing money at an issue is not always the answer, and I’m afraid that the U.S. has gotten sucked into that mindset. So, in conclusion, just remember that the African lifestyle is simply very different from American lifestyle, and not all parts of Africa are the same – it’s a huge continent! (Yes, continent….not country)

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