Oh how much we take advantage of water!
Brushing your teeth, washing your face, having a sip of water out of the tap,
flushing the toilet, washing the dishes, taking a shower. All things that you
learn how valuable they are once you don’t have water! Here in Kazungula, we
seem to be the first ones to loose water and the last ones to get it back. We
have had water maybe four out of the seven nights that we’ve been here. It will
come on for either a short period of time or sometimes, if we’re lucky,
continue through the morning! It is quite difficult to keep things clean
(dishes, hands) without water! We are mostly buying water from the store to
drink, and sometimes boiling water from the tap for ten minutes, but that
doesn’t tend to taste as good. Another one I didn’t think about yet was washing
clothes. Will have to do that soon as I am running low!
I think you mean to say we take things for granted, not advantage...