Wednesday, June 13, 2012


      I found out yesterday that they have found housing for me at one of the lodges in Kazungula called Kubu (hippo), which is across the street from where I’m living now. I’m really excited about it! It is a little house with a kitchen/living space, a bedroom, and bathroom. It is on the lodge grounds so there is a gate and ‘guard’ there pretty much all the time, and Maria (vet at center) will be my next door neighbor so we can carpool to work. I am able to stay there the whole year so I can settle in, which will be nice so I don’t have to move around. I should have access to internet, at least near the office, and, best of all, there are horses literally right out my door!! That was one thing I was expecting to have to live without for the year, but it turns out I will be able to at least see them and spend time with them (one is lame and one is young and needs some training, but maybe I’ll get to ride him by the time I leave). Sounds perfect, right? Well, the only problem is that it comes with no furnishings. As in none. I will have to scrounge for a fridge, stove, bed, chairs, table…. Pretty much everything. We are hoping to ask around and find most things, but may have to sacrifice some money for comfort. I’ll be sad to leave my awesomeeee roommates (no I didn’t only say that cause I know they’re reading this :-P) because it is really nice to have company at home! But I think it will be a good transition to living on my own once they’re gone. I’m aiming to move at the end of the month as long as we find all the furnishings by then. 

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