Thursday, November 22, 2012


    Well I guess I’m making up for lost time by writing three posts in three days (maybe I’ll do a marathon and also write one for Black Friday tomorrow!) Thinking of everyone back home today and dreaming of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and family gatherings around ginormous meals full of fried turkey, green bean casserole, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie, oh and don’t forget Granny’s Jell-o mold! My stomach is expanding at the thought of it…
   Well, us Americans in Kasane wouldn’t let such an important holiday slip by! Last weekend the Honeys hosted our own version of Thanksgiving, including a special-ordered turkey (crock-pot cooked – yum!), cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade rolls, sweet potatoes, veggies, deviled eggs, and pecan and pumpkin pie for dessert. It was excellent! We were quite thankful to be able to have such a huge and similar meal to what we would find at home. Other than the Kasane-style heat (probably at least 90 degrees in the kitchen) and Kazungula power outage (candlelight anyone?) you could almost forget that we were halfway around the world from where we would usually be celebrating this holiday!
    After the delicious meal that ‘tryptophan’ turkey hit me and I zonked out completely! While others watched a recorded football game (not really one of our family’s thanksgiving traditions) I had a lovely nap on the couch. Although it was a bit different from the way my family will be celebrating this year, it was still such a wonderful way to thank God for the amazing experiences and people I have encountered so far this year! Happy Thanksgiving all!
The Thanksgiving spread! Keith carving the turkey by candlelight... luckily the power came back on just before we sat down to eat. 

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