Saturday, March 2, 2013


    Just about one year ago I started this blog in anticipation of the year that lay ahead of me in Botswana. Now, as that year dwindles to a close (two and a half months left!) it is time to once again make decisions for the future. Decision-making, as many of you probably know, is not my strong suit, so when I knew that time was coming again I dreaded it just a little bit. I have been comforted this year by the fact that I have felt like this is where I was meant to be. It was so nice to be content with my decision to come here!
     It basically came down to two options for next year: 1) Go back to school, or 2) Get a job. Considering both of these options, I scoured the internet for Environmental Education masters programs and job options. I found three schools to apply to: Southern Oregon University, Goshen College in Indiana, and University of Wisconsin Steven’s Point. Each one had its pros and its cons, but in the end I got accepted into Southern Oregon and Goshen before I finished the University of Wisconsin application. Southern Oregon had been my top choice because it seemed to be the most well developed program, and it is in a beautiful location! There is also an option to get your teaching license, which is a nice potential option to have, and I was accepted into a graduate assistantship there that pays a large portion of the tuition plus a monthly stipend. So in the end the decision was not too difficult: Oregon here I come!!!!!
     I will be starting the program in Oregon this July….. just about the most opposite climate and scenery from where I am now, but you know what they say…. Travel while you’re young!! Very excited to get ready for this next adventure! If you'd like to see more info about the program, check out the website here:

Just a preview of my change-of-scenery (thank you google!):


  1. Two options? Looks like you only researched the going back to school option? Did not hear about any job search options...? Hmmm. Yeah decisions are hard, but goals help. Grand daddy always try to tell me that, but I never really did set any. I always just took life as it came and it seems you are following in my footsteps just like Laura. It all works out!! I guess a Masters Degree couldn't hurt :) Teaching Environmental Science could be fun on some level. I love that class in HS. Have a great teacher. You would be a great teacher El!! Can't wait to have you back in the states even if it is on the West Coast! Another great place to visit.
